About Me
- Shu Hui =)
- Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wow... Yesterday was a great day for me. Firstly, i went to eat supper with mmm... Veron, doreen, wee kiat, auntie florence, ah fung auntie, wei sheng, gty and shu zhen at lau pa sha!!!! wee!!! Like a rare chance that my mama would say yes. And though i reached home like super late, she didn't scold the shit out of me. haha... fun and i really enjoyed!!! oh... and secondly... shi liang sms me to ask bout my results.... seriously, i was really shocked. mmm... We can't be lovers but still we are like very good friends. He is like a great guy and he has a really good girlfriend. Lucky guy. Lucky me too coz i have a great boyfriend too... and my great boyfriend is booking out tomorrow!!!! And i'm soooooo excited!!!!! Finally get to see him!!! YYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Took this photo the day before he enlist... i miss him so much!!! i knew i would miss him... but i didn't expect that it would be this much... =(

haha... Got a new piercing on the 16 0f march i think. i know many people will wanna kill me or think that i'm mad. but honestly... it is really nice. and i didn't regret it. after all it is my body. and yup... this is who i am... you know what people always say. accept me as who i am. if anyone can't accept people the way they are then please stop asking people to accept you...
oh... anyway... quitted my job... BYE AUNTIE TAI ENG!!!! you can like so kiss my ass... i know you'll never read this... but it makes me feel better. and yup... JESSICA!!!! don't think you are so great. you are not more than a sales rep. =P ok... i'm being petty but i really had enough of you two...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
sad sad sad... =(
Oh man... I will really miss taka... haiz... I'll miss doreen, mei mei, si an, wee kim, veron... Argh... Nvm... Wait till taka square starts bahz... Then i'll be back!!! haha...
Saturday, March 08, 2008
haha... Just realised that my blog is like super stagnant!!!! haha... Well... Been so busy working and having fun till i don't even have time to like use the com. Just got my results anyway and i'm like stressing over which courses to apply and whether i'll get accepted with my very average results. In fact lousy results. Yeah.. GP is important but still so what if i did not bad for my GP but lousy for the rest of the subjects. It won't get me in anywhere. haiz... But still... I believe that there is always a place for me... haha... Don't be discouraged people!!! We did our best!!! There's always hope... =)
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