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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Am i really ready???

actually, i totally agree with what ms chiew said... that i want to do well but don't know where to start from and how. i'm lost. i admit it. i'm not only lost, as in not knowing what to do but i've really lost all my confidence. i know people around me especially my tutors feel that i have the potential to do well. but... i really don't think i can... i don't know. mr kwek said that if we really want to do well we have to be ready to just study thrice as hard as the other students. means like really really really super hard. and honestly, i'm not sure if i am prepared and can do that. i just can't get use to this kinda mugger lifestyle. mr ng said that we just need to get into the momentum and it would be easy all the way till a's. but the thing is... this momentum... i've be trying so hard to catch since promos but i never seem to be able to catch it... and i'm really afraid... not only bout my a's but also my univesity life... am i really ready for all these??? or should i as mr kwek said... make a u- turn now??? but i've come so far now and i really don't want to retain... i want to graduate with good results and celebrate with my fellow classmates and schoolmates. yeah... but eventually... i'll choose what i feel is best for me. though i can't really make up my mind now or see how things would turn out to be... and with all the fear... prelims just weeks away and a's 90 days away. i'm not gonna give up... hopefully i can really turn all these fear into a strength for me to push on. this is my final lap. my final performance of my jc life. i'm gonna try my best and give it all i've got. yeah... =)


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