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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm tired.

I don't understand. Honestly. I think i've been very understanding and patient with him all this while. I think i have been supporting enough. He does not seem to understand. He is not the only one feeling stress and tired. I might just be a student on attachment. But i still feel tired and stress. Working as a nurse is really not easy. People have expectations on him. People also have expectations on me. I have so many things to do. Not physical true. But mentally. I'm tired, stress and worried everyday. What about him. Just physical activities and stress. He is not helping me at all. Sometimes i feel so tired of my life i just feel like disappearing. Never seem to be able to meet anyone expectations. I always feel that i am not good enough for anyone. I am so disappointed in myself. I am so passionate about nursing. But now, i honestly feel that i'm not cut out to be one. Sometimes i wonder how far can passion bring someone. What if i have the passion but not possess the qualities? I'm starting to get so confuse. I'm starting to have so much doubt in myself. I don't know anything. For now, i don't wish to know anything. I just wish that i can be happier and so can everyone around me be happier. I'm seriously hurting inside, stressed up and just very tired. Seriously, i feel i need a really long break. I just want to slack, relax and have fun. I just want to feel truly happy again. Now, when i am unhappy. He does not seem to be able to understand or sense it. He is too tired. Cannot even send me a simple sms to cheer me up. Nothing more i can say or do. I won't even wish for anything more. I've reach my limits. Just let each day slip by and hopefully nature would take its course and eveerything could go back to how it was.

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