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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Monday, August 18, 2008


ewww... uni sucks for one reason. we have to get everything through mails and the net. i seriously hate sitting in front of the com to download my references and notes and the announcements. and i'm seriously still very confused on how to use the references and to the tutorial thingy. but eventually everyone's like that i guess. haha... just have to get used to it.

starting to feel a little stress lerx. i'm so afraid i can't catch up. i'm bad at reading references and stuff. i'm dumb. i admit. doesn't mean going into uni means i'm smart alright. but i still love my course. coz i have fun friends. super fun and cool lab sessions like seeing rotting corspe. haha... it's true. and having to fail what patients really feel. like being blind-folded and led by my friends and vice versa to feel what it is like to be nursing a visually impaired person and being a visually impaired patient. super cool feeling. and now i really realise that nursing really needs passion. it is only that passion that you feel for your job that you will have responsibilities for it. and being a nurse you really need to be super responsible coz the patients are really dependent on you. hehez... i really really love my course now and i can't wait for further progression. really really looking forward to my attachments... wee!!!! =)

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