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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What's wrong with taking up nursing??? With or without support... I'm still gonna work hard to be a nurse. It is true. Nurses need to do a lot of shit work. As in literally shit work. But it is a noble profession. People who look at nurses and go... "Oh... You are just a nurse... " You people can just go back and re- think your definition of a nurse. It takes a lot of courage to be a nurse. Who is brave enough to face life and death everyday and do shit work everyday??? Can you??? If you can't then please appreciate nurses. Though it is a dirty, tough and challenging job, it is an honour and a very satisfying career. By seeing life and death and being faced with unexpected things that might happen everyday, it makes someone grow and nurture. It makes someone emotionally stronger. Nursing is a very meaningful and satisfying profession. I guess no matter how much i might need to sacrifice... I'll never regret taking this path... =)

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