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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Last night i went clubbing with him once again. Then, we juzt spent the rest of the time till the next morning. It was freaking fun apart from the waiting for his friends. Well, we went with his clique of friends. Hehez... I made new friends too. Hehez... Met Zac, Agnes, Eunice and another gal who i cannot remember her name. Sorry. Hehez... We were so bored waiting for Azhar And Shafiq they all to come that we started taking photos outside st james. Quite dumb but still... Haha... Entertaining!!! Haha... =)

Since i spent so much time with him last night. I feel damn weird when he is not around me now. I reallly want to just spend my everyday with him. I feel so lost without him. Honestly... I really cannot wait till tomorrow. We are going swimming!!! Yeah!!!

Baby... I'll be praying that your father approves of the scrambler you want. I know how excited you are about getting that scrambler and i can see that you really love it so much. Let's hope that you can really get it.

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