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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Deja Vu...

Recently, we are like going round in circles. We keep quarreling over the same problem. Seems like neither one of us can change our bad habit of not being able to wake up and always meeting each other late. I really don't know what we can do except to try. I really don't like the fact that he is always saying that we are taking each other for granted because i don't we are. Sometimes i feel that he can be too sensitive over some things. Maybe he just too afraid of losing me but still i feel that he should try to relax sometimes. He always seem to feel that there is a problem between us when we quarrel. For example, yesterday and this morning, he keeps wanting to talk about the problem when there isn't really a problem. The only problem is just that we cannot wake up early and thus we are always late. A simple problem, but he thought too much and made himself so unhappy. I really don't like it. It hurts me to see him so stress and unhappy over us. I really hope we can stop this stupid problem that isn't really worth quarreling over.

Anyway, i'll miss laura so much. She is going home today and i guess i won't be able to see her so often like the pass few days. Anyway, i really enjoyed this few days spending time with him and his family. I really had a lot of fun and am really glad that his parents really accept and that his daddy can be so open to me. It feels really good. I truely hope that one day my parents can accept him and see the good points that he possess. Hopefully, they will open up to him too.

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