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Simple and easily contented. Monetary gains are nothing more than just things for survival. They are not everything. Passion, compassion, love and determination is what keeps my soul truely alive.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The best...

Certain things, you just have to try your best. In a relationship, there is no such thing as who is better than who or who is not good enough for anyone else or who should or should not deserve anyone. A person who really appreciates you would see and know that you've did your best. No one is perfect. Someone who truly loves you would know that you are not perfect but you are the best and appreciate whatever effort you've put in whether if your plans turn out successful or not. Someone who truly appreciates you would cherish you and not break up with you for silly reasons such as religion. Someone who truly cherishes you will see that you've tried and whether or not you succeeded, he or she would tell you that it is ok and it is enough. Someone who truly appreciates you would know how much you treasure the relationship. Someone who truly cherish you would banish all your insecurities and not see it as an extra worry or a burden. Someone who truly loves you would be able to accept all your goods and bad. Even if you might not be perfect or the best person on earth, he or she would still tell you that you're the best to him and her and he or she would desire no one else. A person who truly appreciates you would not pick out your bad points or tell you what you didn't do good enough. He or she would still thank you even if you've made a mistake or missed out something when you plan to do something or did something for he or she.

Sometimes when you are having an internal conflict whether you should be doing this or that for someone, just ask yourself, is this person worth it. If your answer is yes, then just do it. Even if everything turns out screwed, even your life, you know you will never regret your decision. At least, you would feel that it is worth it. It is worth it to sacrifice somethings just for the person you truly love or cherish. Even if this something is a thing that you can never imagine giving it up.

To be loved is happiness. To love is an experience of happiness and sadness. Every relationship would have ups and downs. If you are not willing to take the risk of getting hurt, then you will never get to experience the amazing feeling of being happy, sad and angry all at the same time. You would never get to experience the feeling of wanting to give up and to continue at the same time. Every second in loving someone is happiness to me. Even if we are quarreling. To me, so long i can be with this person, i don't mind going through uncountable obstacles or hurt. These obstacles and hurt would just make me stronger. I know, eventually, i will still that eternal happiness...


-={Sh1Li4nG}=- said...

what dont kill you make you stronger. its worth it..

Shu Hui =) said...

haha... thanks... but sometimes being with him is really hard... i dunno... i'm so scared tt i would give up one day. i'm already at my breaking point. it is like he can really shatter me when he is angry lorz... he really puts me down and say super hurtful things lyk you r just a piece of shit to me this kinda stuff. i noe i really did something wrong but i sure do deserve a chance rite? haiz...