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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Piss off irritating people.

I really cannot stand that fashion disaster in my therapeutic communications tutorial. I really felt like telling her to shut up and think before she speaks. She just did a great job in making herself look so dumb and naive. Like wth... Seriously, i feel that what she said not only shows that she is a naive little girl living in her own world but also a dumb biatch who does not understand how someone who decides to undergo abortion feels like. Well, in the role play today, she asked the "nurse" if she herself had undergone abortion before because she feels like if she is going to undergo abortion, she wants the person she is talking to to have undergone the same thing. When the "nurse" asked her how did she get pregnant she said something like, "oh because my boyfriend is too powerful that when he came, he broke 3 condoms." This is seriously like WTF!!! This is probably the dumbest thing i ever heard someone said. It is like common sense. Even if she never had sex before, Sex educators in secondary schools will most probably tell you that condoms are like 99% effective in preventing a pregnancy. Seriously, if a condom is that lousy, people wouldn't be using it. Like de... Use your brain to think if you are smart enough to enter nus then you should at least have a minimal amount of common sense. The things and way she acted as a girl who decides to undergo abortion is like totally disrespectful and insulting. Like use your f-ed up brain to think. People who decided to undergo abortion normally feel so fearful and guilty, and this feeling is something that you would never understand until you are in that particular situation. So please... If you don't know anything, please do not act like you know. Please learn how to be more sensitive. I guess sensitivity is also an essential quality of a nurse biatchhh....

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